About the Play Therapy Concentration
The four courses are designed toward meeting the education requirement for the national credential of Registered Play Therapist through the Association for Play Therapy. For more information on how this program may prepare you, please contact the program coordinator. Applicants should also contact the Association for Play Therapy to verify the requirements needed to be registered as a play therapist.

What You'll Learn
- Foundations of Play Therapy 3 Credit Hours
This course provides an introduction, history, and theoretical concepts of play therapy. Additionally, the applications of the therapeutic powers of play and basic play therapy skills for working with children and adolescents in counseling are explored.
- Therapy & Expressive Arts Techniques in Counseling 3 Credit Hours
This course utilizes a didactic and experiential approach to explore applications of therapeutic powers of play and play therapy techniques. A foundation for using expressive arts in counseling when working with children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families, is emphasized. Additional topics include, but are not limited to, incorporating faith, spirituality, and multi-cultural considerations.
- Advanced Play Therapy Theories & Practices 3 Credit Hours
This course provides an in-depth study of play therapy counseling theories, using didactic and experimental mediums to enhance the students’ development of play therapy skills when working with children and adolescents in individual, family, or group counseling settings. Additional topics include, but are not limited to, trauma, grief, abuse, and supervision in play therapy.
- Psychosocial Issues of Childhood and Adolescence 3 Credit Hours
This course provides the fundamentals of the characteristics, risk factors, and warning signs of students at risk for mental health and behavioral disorders. Subject areas include mood and anxiety disorders, behavioral dysfunction, learning disabilities, and other school-related problems.
PBA awards over three million dollars in scholarships every year and 97% of PBA undergraduate students receive financial aid.
Learn more about your classes and requirements in the course catalog.

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From the intrigue of the Intercoastal Waterway to the inspiration of the stunning DeSantis Chapel, to the opportunities in bustling downtown West Palm Beach, to the comfort of a cozy residence hall, you’ll feel at home here. Come experience the vibrant, supportive, inspiring campus of PBA for yourself.