Why Minor in Politics at PBA?
Earn a politics minor and gain an understanding of major political and governmental concepts and institutions, including current and emerging challenges to the preservation of freedom and constitutional order.
The minor in politics includes courses in American Federal Government, Political Thought, and International Relations and World Policies. Upper credit electives can be chosen to support individual students’ academic and career goals.

Program Details
As a student in the School of Arts & Sciences, you’ll find a rich array of programs—from creative writing and philosophy to mathematics and the sciences—all of which are delivered with a Christian worldview. And you’ll discover opportunities that could include studying marine wildlife in the Galapagos, the Atlantic or the Everglades; interning at a Fortune 500 company; or exploring the ancient architecture of Rome. On any given day as a student in the School of Arts & Sciences you may find yourself:
Presenting research at a national psychology conference
Analyzing polling data as an intern for a candidate for Congress
Studying sea turtles in the Atlantic
Participating in exciting educational trips, including to the Galapagos or the Everglades.
Supporting the computer network for one of West Palm Beach’s Fortune 500 companies
Analyzing DNA
Publishing a story in PBA’s literary journal Living Waters Review
Walking the stages of London’s renowned theatres
Enhancing your knowledge and skills through clubs and organizations, like the Mathematics Club or the Marine Biology Club
Learn more about your classes and requirements in the course catalog.
PBA awards over three million dollars in scholarships every year and 97% of PBA undergraduate students receive financial aid.

Majoring in Politics at PBA
The path to purpose always includes dedication and passion, but it doesn’t always go in the direction you think it will. That’s true in politics, and that’s true in life. Emily gained skills in her studies of political science at PBA that have served her well: adaptability, professionalism, discipline, and confidence.